Craps 6 And 8 Strategy
If 8 is actually rolled before 7, you win, but if the opposite scenario occurs, you lose your wager. However, it is important to know that there is a significant difference in payouts between the place bet and the Big Six and Eight. The payout for a place bet on the 6 and 8 is 7:6, while the payout for the big 6 and 8 is 1:1.
- Dave's Super 6 - 8 system New shooter, await the come out and the point to be established, then wait for 1 more place point to be rolled which equates to two place numbers rolled by the new shooter. Then bet $24 on each the 6 and 8.
- With this craps strategy, rather than wait for a point to get established by the shooter, you select numbers yourselves. Apart from 7, the other common numbers here are numbers 6 & 8. For placing 6 and 8, the house edge is 1.52%.
- The Big 8 and Big 6 are such sucker bets that most people don’t bet them, so it’s become uncommon to see them on a craps table anymore. If you encounter a table that still offers the Big 8 and Big 6, you’ll see them by the Pass Line where it makes the 90-degree curve.
Place 6 and 8 for $12 each, if win drop $4 and go to $30, if win (pays 35 + 30) Take $1 change and place all numbers for $64 across.
Your choice to choose same bet thereafter. I choose to double the bet after each win pulling back some winnings.
I've put together a WinCraps classic file for those interested.
At a real table, I don't press so aggressive. instead I look to see if there is more than $200 total bets on the table, I regress back to 64 across or if I notice individual numbers, I try to get as many greens as possible.
1) Drop $7 for $25 (Green Chip) after each 4/10 win if you choose not to increase your place bets.
2) Drop $11 for $25 (Green Chip) after each 5/9/6/8 win if you choose not to increase your place bets.
Total invest > $28.00 per round (Example: If 8 has $12, after a win drop $4 and go to $30 for a total investment of $28, after 8 wins again you take down your 6 and place all the numbers for 64 giving you $1 change and total investment of $15.00 across all the numbers).
After 1 win ($14-$18) from your place bet numbers you're playing on casino money.
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Wincraps users don't forget to adjust the Config > Probabilities > change 7 to 4 for live table feel.
Wincraps users don't forget to adjust the Config > Probabilities > change 7 to 4 for live table feel.
CG, have you ever logged your roll results, specifically those where you are allowed to roll however you can get away with? Those which don't hit the back wall fully?
CG, have you ever logged your roll results, specifically those where you are allowed to roll however you can get away with? Those which don't hit the back wall fully?
This strategy does not affect in any way hitting the back wall, they are random rolls from random shooters. the casino has cooled off with that 'Both dice hitting back wall thing' Even though I do not get hedging opportunities, this strategy does pretty good.
As far as win to loss ratio: I have 69.57/30.43
I do however incorporate the 4th,5th,6th number firebet hedging with this system but is not included in the wincraps file.
As far as win to loss ratio: I have 69.57/30.43
Sorry, I think I was unclear. I meant your 'live throw' results. When you stand in a casino, have you ever studiously tracked your results?
Sorry, I think I was unclear. I meant your 'live throw' results. When you stand in a casino, have you ever studiously tracked your results?
Yes, actually when throwing Left side of stickman using the 4/6, 2/2 set gives me repeating 6's/8's/10's/hard 10's averaging 10 rolls before 7 out. Highest rolls 44 There is an odd time will PSO.
Craps 6 And 8 Hop Strategy
Hello, I just wanted to share a strategy I use at the casino when playing craps.
*Bank roll $300.00
*Shooting from table position 8 (Right side of stick man) using the '4/4 top, 2/2 facing me' set.
Primary target numbers rolled are: 6 & 8.
*Shooting from table position 1 (corner table) using the '6/2 top, 2/4 facing me' set.
Primary target numbers rolled are: also 6 & 8.
1) Start by placing the 6/8 for $12 each.
(at this point i'm -$24 from my chip stack)
2) After 1 win, I drop $4.00 on the table and tell the dealer to power press to $30
(at this point i'm -$28 from my chip stack)

a) if the powerpress wins again, I take $13 change and tell dealer '64 across including the point'
(at this point i'm -$15 from my chip stack)
b) if the other number wins I drop $8 on the table and tell the dealer '64 across including the point'
(at this point i'm -$36 from my chip stack)
Now the fun begins.
4) After each win:
Craps 6 8 Press Strategy
a) If 4 or 10 win, I drop $7 on the table and tell dealer to colour up $25 to my chip stack.b) If 5, 6, 8 or 9 wins, I drop $11 on the table and tell dealer to colour up $25 to my chip stack.
I do acknowledge I'm still at a negative at this point if I choose to leave all my bets in play, but I do tend to pull ahead quite a bit in the long haul prolonging my table play.
(In most cases win or lose, I will have only have a small portion of my bank roll at risk)
5) As a side bet:
a) $5/firebet (Hedging at 4th number for $120Lay, 5th for $750Lay, 6th for Max/Lay.
b) $20 on the hardways ($5 each) Full parley 1 time only then same bet thereafter.
(I realize that yes the extra $25.00 side bets put me to -$40 or -$61)
(Average bet is $35.00 and in most cases am awarded an $18.00 meal credit after 4 hrs of play)
I'm always open to suggestions for improvement. ;)
Attached is an updated WinCraps Classic file
Craps 6 And 8 Strategy

What is a 64 across including the point? Most of my craps is just playing the pass line so I've got no clue.

if I'm shooting I just 'Doey/Don't' on the passline and place 0 on shooters point and 10 odds behind the passline bet.
What is a 64 across including the point? Most of my craps is just playing the pass line so I've got no clue.
$10 each on 4, 5, 9, and 10, and $12 each on 6 and 8 for a total of $64
$10 each on 4, 5, 9, and 10, and $12 each on 6 and 8 for a total of $64
The $64 across is including the point.